Sponsor a rabbit for adoption
sponsor a rabbit
You can sponsor the rabbit you want in the category "Rabbit for adoption" Where "HappyPension".
How does sponsorship work?
You make a monthly donation to the Association of the amount you wish.
Several actions are implemented following your donation:
Comment le parrainage fonctionne-t-il ?
Vous faites un don mensuel à l'Association du montant que vous désirez.
Plusieurs actions sont mises en place suite à votre donation :
You receive a sponsorship certificate
You have, at least every month, news and photos of your protege
You have, every two or three months, news from your adopted protege
You will be informed of the percentage that your contribution will represent, with regard to the costs incurred by the association for your protege
Finally you will be notified as a priority when your protege will be adopted

Offer a sponsorship
Help a rabbit while pleasing a loved one?
A gift that makes sense!
Offrir un parrainage
It is also possible to offer a sponsorship to a relative.
Your loved one will receive:
Sponsorship form

You can also sponsor by doing
a bank transfer or send a check to the head office.
Bank transfer
Association Happy Bunny - La Banque Postale
- IBAN: FR 90 20041 01005 2596081X026 65
Happy Bunny Association
c/o BURIGAT Lisa
1 Alley of the Morelle Noire
Bat Balsamine 1 - App 24
59139 Wattignies
Vous trouverez ICI le formulaire de parrainage à remplir en ligne.
Sponsorship Videos
Feedback from our sponsors