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  • Lapins À L'adoption | Association Happy Bunny

    Our rabbits for adoption ​ ​ ​ En savoir plus Andrea Lapin nain 2020 (estimation) En savoir plus Taz Lapin nain Juin 2023 (estimation) En savoir plus Capucine Lapin nain 2021 (estimation) En savoir plus Épic Lapin nain Janvier 2023 (estimation) En savoir plus Dolorès Lapin nain 11/03/2023 En savoir plus Indie Lapin nain 11/03/2023 En savoir plus Emile Lapin nain 11/03/2023 En savoir plus Twix Lapin nain 11/03/2023 En savoir plus Léon Lapin nain 11/03/2023 En savoir plus Hansa Lapin Angora Anglais 2021 En savoir plus Pia Lapin New Zealand 14/03/2022 En savoir plus Our rabbits for adoption Flash Lapin nain 05/2018 ( estimation) En savoir plus

  • Protection Du Lapin | Association Happy Bunny

    They are waiting for you! Flash Andrea Taz Capucine Épic Dolorès Indie Emile Twix Léon Hansa Pia OUR MISSION The association takes care of abandoned rabbits or rabbits in an emergency situation. They are placed in Foster Families whose role is to care for them, educate them, socialize them so that they can be adopted in the best possible conditions. ​ Association Forum Join Make a donation

  • Parrainage | Happy Bunny

    Sponsor a rabbit for adoption sponsor a rabbit You can sponsor the rabbit you want in the category "Rabbit for adoption " Where " HappyPension ". ​ How does sponsorship work? You make a monthly donation to the Association of the amount you wish. Several actions are implemented following your donation: Comment le parrainage fonctionne-t-il ? Vous faites un don mensuel à l'Association du montant que vous désirez. Plusieurs actions sont mises en place suite à votre donation : You receive a sponsorship certificate You have, at least every month, news and photos of your protege You have, every two or three months, news from your adopted protege You will be informed of the percentage that your contribution will represent, with regard to the costs incurred by the association for your protege Finally you will be notified as a priority when your protege will be adopted Offer a sponsorship Help a rabbit while pleasing a loved one? A gift that makes sense! Offrir un parrainage It is also possible to offer a sponsorship to a relative. Your loved one will receive: Sponsorship form You can also sponsor by doing a bank transfer or send a check to the head office. Bank transfer Association Happy Bunny - La Banque Postale - IBAN: FR 90 20041 01005 2596081X026 65 - BIC: PSSTFRPPLIL Checks Happy Bunny Association c/o BURIGAT Lisa 1 Alley of the Morelle Noire Bat Balsamine 1 - App 24 59139 Wattignies Vous trouverez ICI le formulaire de parrainage à remplir en ligne. Sponsorship Videos Feedback from our sponsors

  • TOMBOLA | Happy Bunny

    NOTRE TOMBOLA pour célébrer notre cinquième anniversaire est ouverte ! Participez pour avoir une chance de gagner un des 76 lots à gagner tout en aidant nos happy protégés ! DATE DE Début 07/09/2023 DATE DE fin 30/09/2023 TIRAGE AU SORT 07 /10/2023 2€ le ticket achat de ticket hello asso Acheter Virement/chèque Acheter bonne chance ! UN GRAND MERCI à NOS Généreux partenaires 1/1 les lots

  • Nos Partenaires | Association Happy Bunny

    Our partners Help the association without spending anything You can use the banners of our partners to place your orders: How it works ? Explanatory video If you have the "AdBlock" extension on your browser, you will need to deactivate it so that our partners' banners are visible. Easy 2 Support is a platform that allows you to make purchases via various sellers, while supporting an association. Easy 2 Support By performing searches on the YouCare search engine, a user generates advertising revenue. These are donated to the association of his choice. YouCare Lilo is a search engine that allows each of us to finance projects of their choice free of charge thanks to their internet searches. Lilo Teaming €1 per month on the platform, to help our care and veterinary costs! Teaming Hop Box Hop-Box offers you an additional 100g and 200g will be donated to the association with the code: HAPPY BUNNY HOP-BOX The Eden of the Pattounes Eden des Pattounes donates €1 to us for each order placed with the code: HAPPY BUNNY The Eden of the Pattounes BAMM Paris Once the collection concerning us has reached 50 euros, BAMM Paris will offer us a package of edible goods worth 75€. BAMM Paris BAMM Paris Once the collection concerning us has reached 50 euros, BAMM Paris will offer us a package of edible goods worth 75€. BAMM Paris BAMM Paris Once the collection concerning us has reached 50 euros, BAMM Paris will offer us a package of edible goods worth 75€. BAMM Paris BAMM Paris Once the collection concerning us has reached 50 euros, BAMM Paris will offer us a package of edible goods worth 75€. BAMM Paris Nos partenaires adhésions B.a.m.m Paris 5% de remise chez notre partenaire pour toutes vos commandes. B.A.M.M Paris Créanimaux 5% de remise chez notre partenaire pour toutes vos commandes. Créanimaux Jpasero 5% de remise chez notre partenaire pour toutes vos commandes. JPASERO Le meilleur pour mon lapin 10% de remise chez notre partenaire pour toutes vos commandes. Le Meilleur Pour Mon Lapin Marchand de tapis 10% de remise chez notre partenaire pour votre première commande. ​ Marchand de Tapis The Rabbit’s Pawty 5% de remise chez notre partenaire pour toutes vos commandes. The Rabbit’s Pawty

  • Statuts Et Réglement Intérieur | Association Happy Bunny

    Statuts Réglement intérieur REGLEMENT INTERIEUR DE L’ASSOCIATION HAPPY BUNNY L’association est de constitution franco-belge ​ ARTICLE 1 - AGREMENT DES NOUVEAUX MEMBRES Pour devenir membre de l’Association Happy Bunny, il est obligatoire de remplir un bulletin d’adhésion et d’accepter les statuts ainsi que le règlement intérieur de l’association. Il est possible d’adhérer par courrier ou en ligne, via le formulaire disponible sur le site internet. Dès l’encaissement de sa cotisation, l’adhérent reçoit un kit par courrier s’il le souhaite. Les décisions de rejet de demande d’adhésion sont soumises pour examen aux votes des membres du bureau. Les membres actifs devront s’acquitter d’une cotisation annuelle d’un montant de 17 euros pour une personne seule ou 27 euros pour une adhésion de couple. Ce montant peut évoluer selon l'augmentation du coût de la vie. Une notification sera envoyée à l’adhérent 15 jours avant l'échéance de son adhésion, par email. Si l’adhérent n’a pas ré-adhéré à temps, un rappel pourra être fait 1 mois après. Sans renouvellement de l’adhésion, les accès au forum privé seront coupés. ARTICLE 2 - DEMISSION Chaque membre peut démissionner en prévenant une semaine avant son départ, par simple courrier électronique envoyé au Président de l’association à l’adresse . La démission ne donne pas droit à un rembourseme nt total ou même partiel de la cotisation annuelle. Les membres du bureau et du Conseil d’administration doivent envoyer au Président de l’association, un mois avant leur départ, un courrier recommandé avec accusé de réception pour faire part de leur démission. ARTICLE 3 - PROCEDURE DE RADIATION La radiation peut être prononcée pour des actes tendant à nuire à l’association, à sa réputation, à son indépendance ou pour non-respect du règlement de l’association. Le Conseil d’Administration, ou le Bureau, si la radiation a lieu avant l’élection du Conseil d’Administration, peut suspendre l’adhésion dès la constatation des faits. La radiation doit être prononcée à la majorité absolue. Aucun membre cessant de faire partie de l’association, pour quelque motif que ce soit, ne pourra exercer de réclamation pour obtenir le remboursement des sommes versées. La radiation sera notifiée par courrier électronique avec accusé de réception et le membre mis en cause invité à s’expliquer. ARTICLE 5 - CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION Le conseil d’Administration comprend les membres du bureau et un adhérent élu par l’Assemblée Générale. Le lieu de réunion est déterminé par le président. Le secrétaire est chargé de convoquer ses membres par email. Il est adressé, par le secrétaire, un procès-verbal des questions traitées lors des réunions et des délibérations. ARTICLE 6 - BUREAU Il est composé du président, du vice-président et s’il y a lieu du second vice-président, du trésorier et s’il y a lieu du trésorier adjoint, du secrétaire et s’il y a lieu du secrétaire adjoint. Il se réunit dès que nécessaire et au moins une fois tous les ans. Il assure le fonctionnement quotidien de l’association. Il rend compte de son action à chaque réunion du Conseil d’Administration. Ses décisions sont prises d’un commun accord entre ses membres : le président, le vice-président, le trésorier, le trésorier adjoint, le secrétaire, le secrétaire adjoint. Si les postes de Vice-Président et/ou de Trésorier adjoint et/ou de Secrétaire adjoint ne sont pas occupés, ce sera alors aux postes équivalents que reviendra leurs tâches, réciproquement le Président, le Trésorier, le Secrétaire. ​ ARTICLE 7 - ASSEMBLEES GENERALES – MODALITES APPLICABLES AUX VOTES Assemblées Générales Ordinaire Les membres de l’association peuvent s’y faire représenter par un autre membre de l’association en renseignant le pouvoir joint à la convocation. Ces procurations devront être envoyées par courrier au siège social de l’association au plus tard une semaine avant l’Assemblée générale. Chaque année a lieu au moins une réunion de l’assemblée générale ordinaire en vue de l’approbation des comptes annuels. Les décisions de l’assemblée générale sont prises à la majorité absolue des membres présents, représentés ou votants. Aucun quorum n’est requis Les décisions de l’assemblée générale sont transcrites dans un procès-verbal établi par le secrétaire de séance. À cette occasion, le Président expose la situation morale de l’association et rend compte de la gestion. Assemblée Générales Extraordinaires Elles peuvent être convoquées pour les motifs suivants : - Modification des statuts ; - Dissolution de l’association ; - Élection d’un nouveau membre du bureau - Év ènement exceptionnel Les règles de convocation sont identiques à celles de l’Assemblée générale ordinaire ainsi que les règles de représentation et de déroulement. Les décisions sont prises à la majorité absolue des voix des présents, représentés et votants. ARTICLE 8 - INDEMNITES DE REMBOURSEMENT DES FRAIS ENGAGÉS PAR LES MEMBRES DU BUREAU Les dépenses engagées par les membres du Bureau pour le fonctionnement administratif de l’association, courriers, photocopies, frais postaux, frais liés à l’organisation d’évènements sont remboursés par l’association sur présentation d’une note de frais accompagnée des factures. Le remboursement se fera par chèque ou virement. ARTICLE 9 - COMMUNICATION DE L’ASSOCIATION En raison de la grande dispersion des membres de l’association et du budget qu’une correspondance papier ou que des déplacements engendreraient, la communication du conseil d’administration, des membres du bureau, l’organisation des assemblées générales, la diffusion des bilans, ainsi que certains votes, pourront se faire par moyens électroniques. Les délibérations du conseil d’administration ont lieu sur le forum dans la section « Conseil d’administration ». La communication avec les adhérents se fera par courrier électronique, ceci afin de réduire les frais administratifs ARTICLE 10 - FORUM DE L’ASSOCIATION Ce présent règlement reste d’usage sur le forum, ce dernier bénéficiant d’un règlement propre à son fonctionnement. En acceptant d’y participer, vous vous engagez à respecter le règlement que vous retrouverez en tête de forum dans le salon « Règlement du forum ». ARTICLE 11 - MODIFICATION DU REGLEMENT INTERIEUR Le présent règlement intérieur pourra être modifié par les membres du bureau ou par l’assemblée générale ordinaire à la majorité simple des membres. ​

  • Participer Aux Frais De Fonc... | Association Happy Bunny

    support the association in the field ALL LINKS ARE AFFILIATE LINKS, A PART OF THE AMOUNT OF THE ARTICLE IS RETURNED TO US Head office contact details for delivery: Association Happy Bunny c/o BURIGAT Lisa 1 Alley of the Morelle Noire Bat Balsamine 1 - App 24 59139 Wattignies Do not hesitate to inform the presidency of your participation, so that we can remove the article from our list, thank you! /

  • Violette | Happy Bunny

    IVAR His history At the end of September 2020, we picked up Ivar, found drenched in a street by someone who couldn't keep him. He was then in poor health. Ivar's estimated age when we picked him up is around 7 years old. Due to a cataract, he is blind in one eye (completely white.) He will gradually go blind in the other eye. Ivar will need regular monitoring throughout his life. With in particular physiotherapeutic exercises, at the level of the hind legs, to be carried out every day. For this reason, we have decided to create “the Happy Pension” especially for him. This aims to place a rabbit in a foster family for life. Given that he will need expensive veterinary care (regular ophthalmological, paw and dental checks), Ivar will remain under the protection of the association for life. He will not be offered for adoption. If this announcement may seem sad, you should know that Ivar has made enormous progress! If he struggled to move with his hind legs, he is now able to jump on the bed of his FA. He is adorable, greedy and sociable. And above all, he does not suffer. Considering his particular situation, we will all the more need godmothers and godfathers for him. (Currently he has 18) You can sponsor him with the amount of your choice. The total amount of veterinary costs for the treatment of Ivar amounts to 2433.14 € Here are the examinations/treatments that have been/will be essential in the management of Ivar: To scan Operations X-rays Tooth trimmings Vaccinations Sponsor Ivar Our resident in detail ​ ​ Encephalitozoonosis: Ivar has never triggered the disease and does not carry the parasite Temper : Ivar is a curious rabbit who loves the caresses of his FA Education : Ivar is clean FA Condition: Total freedom Story : Ivar was found on the street 2018 Male Dwarf rabbit Dutch type black Vaccinated VHD1 & VHD2 1kg790 75 Paris Vaccinated myxomatosis sponsor ivar All the details on the section "Sponsorship ". Make a donation Faire un don Bank transfer Association Happy Bunny - La Banque Postale - IBAN: FR 90 20041 01005 2596081X026 65 - BIC: PSSTFRPPLIL Checks Happy Bunny Association c/o BURIGAT Lisa 1 Alley of the Morelle Noire Bat Balsamine 1 - App 24 59139 Wattignies PayPal Attention, Paypal garde une commission sur le paiement (y compris en faisant un paiement entre proches). If you wish to make a donation you can fill out the online form HERE .

  • BOUTIQUE | Happy Bunny

    Boutique de l'association

  • ADHÉRER | Happy Bunny

    Join the happy bunny association Why join the association? To help us financially because the association is non-profit and exists only thanks to donations and membership. Some examples of expenses incurred by the Association: ​ Pourquoi adhérer à l'association ? Veterinary fees The Association's largest expense is veterinary costs. Indeed, all our rabbits are vaccinated (against myxomatosis, VHD1 and VHD2) and are also sterilized and dewormed. Food and equipment costs The second major part of the budget represents food and equipment costs for our FAs. The Association also pays for extrudates, hay and the purchase of equipment if necessary. Additional costs Other costs are provided for in the budget such as operating costs, insurance costs, administrative costs, bank charges, etc. Membership price Membership price at Happy Bunny for one year Normal price 17€ Price for a couple 27€ description des avantages description of benefits When your membership is registered, you will receive your membership kit by post in a tracked letter. Your membership entitles you to: ​ Assister à l'Assemblée Générale Un accès membre au forum de l'Association 5% de remise chez notre partenaire JPASERO pour toutes vos commandes 5% de remise chez notre partenaire B.A.M.M Paris pour toutes vos commandes 10% de remise chez notre partenaire Marchand de tapis pour votre première commande 10% de remise chez notre partenaire Le meilleur pour mon lapin pour toutes vos commandes 5% de remise chez notre partenaire The Rabbit's Pawty pour toutes vos commandes 5% de remise chez notre partenaire Créanimaux pour toutes vos commandes Vous pouvez également devenir bénévole si vous souhaiter aider l'Association davantage Join You can also sponsor by doing a bank transfer or send a check to the head office. Membership Video Virement bancaire Assoc. Happy Bunny - Crédit Agricole Nord de France - IBAN : FR76 1670 6000 8053 9943 5848 743 - BIC : AGRIFRPP867 Pour les adhésions par virement : Vous trouverez ICI le formulaire d'adhésion à remplir en ligne. Chèques Coordonnées du siège social : Associatio n Happy Bunny c/o BURIGAT Lisa 7A rue des Clématites 59167 Lallaing Pour les adhésions par chèque : Vous trouverez ci-dessous le bulletin d'adhésion à remplir et à accompagner d'un chèque du montant de l'adhésion à l'ordre de "Association Happy Bunny" Bulletin d'adhésion Bulletin d'adhésion couple

  • À PROPOS | Happy Bunny

    English Français Presentation of the association The Happy Bunny association is an association law 1901 (non-profit) which aims to protect the rabbit and the fight against its abandonment. The association takes care of abandoned rabbits or rabbits in an emergency situation. They are placed in Foster Families whose role is to care for them, educate them, socialize them so that they can be adopted in the best possible conditions. The Happy Bunny Association was created by four people active in animal protection and passionate about rabbits. The people still present in the association are: Virginie domiciled in Belgium then Lisa and Katherine domiciled in France where the head office is located. The Association which was created in September 2018 is based in the North of France. We wanted it to be Franco-Belgian because it is very important as founders that the rabbits are taken care of both on French territory and on Belgian territory. The Association works only with Host Families. We don't have a shelter as such. If you want to help in our fight everyday you can join the Association. You also have the possibility to make a donation or why not become a Host Family or a volunteer. Finally, you can simply talk about the Association to those around you or on social networks so that it becomes known to a wider audience. The association has been recognized as being of general interest since April 19, 2019. Our ethics L’association Happy Bunny a une éthique qui se veut de respecter les conditions de vie du lapin et d’apporter tous les soins nécessaires à la prise en charge de chaque lapin. Pour plus de détails voici la liste non exhaustive que l’Association met en place pour chaque lapin pris en charge : Dès leur prise en charge les lapins sont examinés par l’un de nos vétérinaires NAC partenaires de l’Association. Puis ils sont déparasités, vermifugés, vaccinés (contre la myxomatose, le VHD 1 et 2) castrés ou stérilisés. Les lapins reçoivent une alimentation de bonne qualité et adaptée à leurs besoins physiologiques. L’association aide ses Familles d’Accueil et les adoptants à mettre en place une nourriture composée exclusivement de produits naturels. Les lapins sont pris en charge dans les Familles d’Accueil qui prêtent toute l’attention nécessaire à leurs besoins. Il est important que les sorties, en liberté, soient de 6 heures minimum. Le placement en Famille d’Accueil permet d’apprendre au lapin, la propreté et la vie au contact de l’être humain pour sa future adoption. L’Association encourage et conseille l’adoption pour toutes les personnes désireuses de partager leur vie avec un lapin, ceci afin d’éviter l’exploitation d’êtres vivants en animalerie. Le nombre d’abandon est en croissante augmentation. Les lapins sociabilisés qui sont abandonnés ont peu de chances de survivre et finissent, la plus part du temps, euthanasiés. Happy Bunny en vidéos Happy Bunny avec Gaëlle Garcia Diaz Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing Happy Bunny avec Gaëlle Garcia Diaz 00:57 Play Video Now Playing Happy Bunny : Partenariat avec Lush France 01:28 Play Video Now Playing L' Arrondi solidaire CaduVet. Présentation de l'Association Happy Bunny 12:10 Play Video Now Playing Happy Bunny sur Sud Radio 03:42 Play Video Now Playing Salon du bien-être animal à Verviers 02:07 Play Video

  • Réglement De La Famille D'ac... | Association Happy Bunny

    HOST FAMILY RULES General 1.1. The association, if necessary, finances the transport of the rabbit to the home of the FA. 1.2. The FA agrees to house the rabbit until it is adopted, for an undeterminable period. If the FA can no longer keep the rabbit, it is required to inform Happy Bunny as soon as possible (by telephone, post or email), at least two months in advance. 1.3. The FA cannot abandon the rabbit, nor dispose or sell it. The latter remains the protege of l'association. 1.4. Happy Bunny undertakes to provide the FA with the equipment (with the exception of the litter box) as well as the food necessary for the reception of the rabbit. All equipment lent by the association remains its property and will be maintained as a good father. This, as well as the medicines and food financed by Happy Bunny, will be used exclusively for the foster rabbit. The FA undertakes to return the equipment to the association. In the event of breaches, the association will demand reimbursement of the equipment. 1.5. The FA will inform its referent of its need for equipment/food, within the time prescribed by the latter. The association will send food and/or equipment by post, and will not reimburse purchases for which it has not given prior agreement. 1.6. The AF must be a member of the association for the duration of the rabbit's reception. 1.7. Happy Bunny is committed to supporting the FA. A volunteer will be the referent to contact in case of questions, problem, request for ordering food/equipment/veterinarian visit. 1.8. The FA will have access, on the association's forum, to a section reserved for FAs. Happy Bunny agrees not to remove this access as long as the FA hosts a bunny from the association. 1.9. In order to optimize the chances of adoption of the rabbit, the FA will send to the association detailed information concerning it, at least fortnightly. The latter will relate to the character of the rabbit, its progress since its arrival, its state of health, its habits, etc. Also, the FA will send, together with the aforementioned information, 5 recent photos of the rabbit. 1.10. If the animal in FA is sponsored, the FA will give monthly news of the rabbit to the people who sponsor it. 1.11. The rabbit will be named by its FA when taken care of, taking care to avoid a ridiculous name, cliché, or already used to baptize one of the rabbits taken care of by the association. The office reserves the right to refuse the proposed name if necessary. Welcoming a Rabbit 2.1. Outside outings will take place, subject to Happy Bunny's agreement, only in a secure area and under surveillance. The rabbit will mostly live indoors. 2.2. The animal must have a living space adapted to its needs including at least: - a litter box for defecating - clean bowls for pellets, greenery and water - an unlimited source of hay (rack, bowl, etc.) - anything offering him comfort as well as the possibility of letting off steam 2.3. The FA undertakes to allow maximum freedom to the animal, at least 6 hours a day in a secure room or set of rooms (cables not accessible, sheathed, any valuable object or not suitable for height, etc.). Under no circumstances should the animal be locked up all the time. If the animal lives in semi-freedom, its enclosure must have a minimum surface area of 2m². Placements in cages are prohibited except in exceptional cases of cage therapy duly attested by a veterinary certificate. 2.4. AF plays a vital role in rabbit socialization. From then on, she undertakes to devote to him the time, attention and affection necessary for his well-being and his development, but also to stimulate him through outings, games and daily contacts. To do this, she will take care to respect the learning rhythm of the rabbit. 2.5. The FA is also committed to educating the rabbit: acquisition of cleanliness through the use of a litter box and non-destruction of the environment, in a positive approach. Under no circumstances will the FA use violence, abuse, “petting”, yelling, or anything else that stresses and/or abuses the rabbit. Education will be based on gentleness, rewards as well as objects to be destroyed such as cardboard, wood to chew on, etc. Happy Bunny will make sure to support the AM at the heart of this learning process. 2.6. In the event of abuse or negligence, whether physical or psychological, Happy Bunny will demand the return of the rabbit and file a complaint with the competent authorities. Feed 3.1. The FA is committed to providing a healthy diet, in accordance with the physiological needs of the rabbit: - Quality hay at will; - Greenery/fresh vegetables every day; - Possibly: quality extrudates, at the rate of 1% of the weight of the rabbit per day. - Water changed daily, ideally containing less than 15 mg/l of calcium. 3.2. The hay as well as the extrudates can be supplied to the FA by the association. If necessary, these will be delivered free of charge to the home of the FA or to a “relay” point. If the FA chooses to finance extrudates and hay itself, it will ensure that it meets Happy Bunny's requirements and will not be eligible for reimbursement. 3.3. The FA will take care of a gradual introduction of vegetables/greenery, in order to avoid disturbing the transit of the rabbit. These are the responsibility of the FA. 3.4. Mixtures of seeds and cereals as well as all industrial treats and/or containing salt, fats and sugar are prohibited. 3.5. If the rabbit's state of health justifies it, Happy Bunny will reimburse any food supplement, veterinary product, force-feeding powder, etc. To do this, the FA will send the association an invoice mentioning the association as well as the name of the rabbit concerned. Other animals 4.1. If the FA lives with its own rabbits, it is forbidden to have them cohabit with the foster rabbit. The quarantine period must be strictly observed. 4.2. Happy Bunny is against breeding. Under no circumstances will the rabbit be used for procreation purposes. Otherwise, the association will demand the immediate removal of the animal 4.3. If the FA lives with a dog or a cat, these can meet the rabbit. Initially gradually and under supervision. When there is no longer any danger for the rabbit, they will be able to live together. If in doubt, the FA will take no chances. If the dog is young, poorly socialized or poorly educated, meetings are strongly prohibited. 4.4. If the FA decides to adopt/welcome a new animal (whether independently or for another association), it will inform the association as soon as possible. In the event of an adoption deemed dangerous, Happy Bunny reserves the right to withdraw the rabbit. During the reception of the rabbit, the FA undertakes not to accommodate ferrets, snakes, or any other formidable predator. Under no circumstances will the rabbit be in contact with an animal for which a quarantine has not been carried out beforehand. Health 5.1. In order to quarantine when the rabbit arrives, the FA will isolate it in a room where it will have no contact with its own animals. She will wash her hands after each contact. 5.2. The FA undertakes to offer the rabbit a healthy living environment (not exposed to cigarette smoke or other toxic substances.) Also, the latter must be temperate and exposed to daylight. As for the litter, the FA will make sure to use elements that are not harmful to the rabbit. Excluded are: newsprint, wood/softwood shavings, mineral/silica/clumping litter. The litter and the water bowl will be cleaned regularly, for which the FA will use a non-toxic product such as white vinegar. The water will be changed daily, and low in calcium (less than 15 mg/l.) 5.3. Rabbit euthanasia is strictly prohibited, except in the exceptional case of a serious, incurable and painful state of health for the animal, attested by a veterinary certificate. In this case, the association must be informed of the situation as soon as possible in order to make a decision. If the FA Bunny dies accidentally or naturally, the FA is required to notify the Happy Bunny Office as soon as possible. The body will be brought to a veterinarian, validated by the association, who will write a death certificate. If necessary (in case of suspected virus, etc.), an autopsy will be required. 5.4. The FA undertakes, as far as necessary, to go to a veterinarian validated by the association. An appointment is made in the name of Happy Bunny, with his agreement as well as a veterinary slip. In the event of an emergency, the FA will go to the veterinarian, informing its referent or the association by email or telephone. Veterinary costs will be reimbursed after submission of an invoice. Discounts or other advantages resulting from partnerships between veterinarians and Happy Bunny cannot only concern rabbits cared for by the latter. 5.5. The FA will be attentive to the state of health of the rabbit, and will inform Happy Bunny of any doubt as to an illness, behavioral disorder, etc. 5.6. The rabbits collected by Happy Bunny will, after veterinary advice, be vaccinated against myxomatosis, VHD1 and VHD2, at the frequency recommended by the latter. Before going outside, vaccines must be up to date. (see: 2.1 on outdoor outings) 5.7. In the case of a pregnant rabbit, an urgent sterilization will be carried out if her health allows it. Before joining its adopters, the rabbit will be sterilized at the expense of the association. If the latter does not have the budget, the adopters will be required to finance the operation before the rabbit joins them, in order to avoid any risk of adoption with a view to reproduction. 6.1. In case of absence, the FA will entrust the rabbit to a person who will present reception conditions validated by the association. 6.2. If the FA does not have a custody solution, they will inform Happy Bunny as soon as possible in order to find one. Adoption Keep 7.1. When the association receives an adoption request for the rabbit, the volunteer handling the request will take into account the opinion of the FA. 7.2. If the FA forwards an adoption application along with a third party, the Association will assess who will be most beneficial to the rabbit. 7.3. Happy Bunny undertakes to validate an adoption request after a careful study of it. The members of the Bureau, the volunteers in charge of adoptions as well as the FA take part in the vote with a view to granting an adoption. Adoption ends with a majority of votes; in the event of a tie, the President's vote counts double. 7.4. If desired, the FA can conduct the post-adoption follow-up visit for the association. 7.5. Happy Bunny agrees to check in with the adopted bunny every 3 months for the first year after adoption, then every 3-6 months thereafter. The information received will be available on the forum, in the “Adopted Rabbits” section, which can be consulted by the FA. Become a host family If you wish to become a Host Family at Happy Bunny you can fill out the form HERE . One of our volunteers will contact you as soon as possible. If you have any questions you can write an email to .

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